I was just looking back though some of my photos from my last pregnancy.
I didn't realize just how much my belly grew.
The human body is just so amazing.
I haven't done a Pregnancy Post in the last few months, so here are some Oldies but Goodies.
1. A Goddess, A Cow and A Cat
2. Perineal Massage
3. Eating Dates and Shorter Labor Times (seriously do it...all I know is that I went from having a 20 hour Labor with Kid #1 and a 5 hour Labor with Kid #2.)
4. Dealing with Heartburn During Pregnancy
5. My Post-Partum Physical Self-Care Check-list (I ended up doing most of these. It was a lot of getting everything ready before and keeping up with it BUT so worth it. I healed up SO MUCH faster than the first time.)
I almost missed these!!!The first one I've seen,but the second and third I haven't.Again I'll say it,WOOOOOW,you had one CRAZY BEAUTIFUL pregnant belly CMM and I'm thanking you sincerely for sharing a piece of HEAVEN with all of us!!!!!!!!!!!