Okay, I'm being dramatic.
Kombucha isn't quite so bad, as taking care of another kid. But, it's a lot of work. Especially when, I also have some Water Kefir going.
It's been about 6 months since I got my first Kombucha Scoby.
Our Kitchen is super warm, so my Kombucha is ready in about 2 1/2- 3 days (as opposed to 5-7 days, which is the normal time-frame).
We only have a Brita hand-held pitcher, so filtering a gallon of water takes FORVER. Every time I walk in the Kitchen, I add some water to our pitcher.
But, it's worth the work.
I love the taste of home-made Kombucha and much prefer it over store-bought (plus it's so much cheaper to make your own).
It's like a cool, tasty Science Experiment.
I definitely feel much more energetic on the days that I drink my Kombucha. I just have to be careful about how much I drink. I started noticing that I develop a yeast infection, if I drink like 5 cups a day.
Five cups a day? Yeah, the stuff is that good. My 3-year-old frequently requests Kombucha. Papa Bear is a fan, as long as it's still pretty sweet (1 1/2-2 days brewed in our Kitchen). He much prefers
Lemon Water Kefir.
My favorite tea to ferment is
Organic Imperial Jasmine Dragon Pearls Green Tea. (Affliate link).
When I brew the Jasmine Green Tea, I make sure to also brew Black Tea with it.

I adore
Numi Organic Tea Aged Earl Grey
(Affiliate Link). Just make sure you only brew with organic tea!!!
We got our Scoby from our lovely, lovely neighbor.
Kombucha Kamp is a terrific resource, she will do a much better job than I on explaining all the "how-to's" of brewing Kombucha. You can also purchase Kombucha Scobies from her.
It's good, good stuff.
Have you ever made Kombucha?