I have a Love-Hate relationship "American Apparel". On the one hand, it's very, very difficult to find brightly-colored simple t-shirts for children that do not have any images or sayings on them. It's even harder to find ones that are made of organic cotton, are sewn in American factories and are affordable. American Apparel fits the bill.
On the other hand, the owner of American Apparel is not someone I want to help get richer. Check out some of his sleaziness here. As a woman and the mother of a daughter, I am disturbed by many of the images of American Apparel models.
What to do? What to do?
I would say 90% of my daughter's clothes has been found at yard sales, consignment shops or been hand-me-downs. The other 9.9% has been new clothes she has received as presents. I think over the last year, I have bought her maybe three new pieces of clothes.
Now that she has out-grown most of her t-shirts (I much prefer t-shirts over onesies), I am contemplating buying some from American Apparel. In honor of "Earth Day", there is a Sale going on right now...25% off select Organic items. So, now would definitely be the time to buy. It's a hard decision. Being a conscious consumer isn't very easy, is it?
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