Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Family Tree made out of Contact Paper

Nesting is a normal phase of pregnancy; many Mamas-to-be spend many, many hours planning their nursery. I was certainly no different but since Papa Bear and I only had one bedroom, I had no nursery to plan. Instead, I tried to arrange and decorate our room with the baby in mind (hence our black and white theme). The one part of the room I was really happy with was the family tree created out contact paper.

Wall decals have become pretty big business over the past few years. After visiting numerous websites, I realized that I could design and make a tree that I liked much better then the ones I could buy. Plus, I wasn't about to spend $75 on one.

This project cost about $15 dollars. I believe my husband bought the contact paper from here. 

The great thing about the black contact paper is that I was able to cut all the branches, leaves and flower buds individually and add or move as I saw fit. When I felt a burst of nesting coming on, I'd get out my contact paper, cut out some shapes and find a place that looked like needed a little love. It was especially great for those last two weeks when I was past my due date and everyone wanted to know if I was in labor yet!

I began cutting out the trunk and then worked my way up by adding the branches. I am a big fan of this material because there is lots of room for error, so it's a great project for someone one isn't too confident about their artistic skills. If you aren't too sure about making a natural looking tree have some photos on hand. If something doesn't look right you can always take it down and re-cut it! I love how up close you can't even see the seams between each individual piece. One of these days I'm going to make another one for our new place since the baby finally has her own room.

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